A study of the different nutrition and research principles and methodologies. It emphasizes on the meaning and importance of research in the field of nutrition and dietetics. This includes practical training in preparation of a research proposalresearch problem, review of related literature and methodology. Students are expected to undertake a research proposal in the field of food and nutrition.

Number of units:

3 (2 hours lecture & 3 hours laboratory per week)



Nutritional Assessment

Course objectives:

I . Explain the meaning of research, its characteristics, and its scientific foundations;

2.       Discuss the ethical issues involved in human research;

3.       Identify parts of a research proposal;

4.       Explain the basic steps in the research process;

5.       Identify research designs, data collection methods and used in selected research articles;

6.       Recognize a good problem on food and nutrition which is ideal for research;

7.       Describe the different research methods applicable to nutrition;

8.       Explain the data collection methods and tools used in each research method and the appropriate data analysis to be done;

9.       Select the appropriate method of research applicable to the chosen problem on food and nutrition;

10.   Identify various ways of presenting research results;

I I . Formulate a research proposal in nutrition following the standard and rigor of scientific research; and

12. Defend the research proposal to a faculty panel.