The course discusses the ecology of nutrition. It deals with the theories, principles and methods of community diagnosis and management of nutrition programs.

Number of Units: 3 units (3 hours lecture per week)

Prerequisite: Nutritional Assessment; junior standing 

Course Objectives:

1. Discuss the scope and focus of public health nutrition.

2. Identify the functions and characteristics of an effective public health nutritionist.

3. Discuss the nature, magnitude and determinants of the nutrition problems of the Philippines.

4. Illustrate the relationship of food and nutrition with health and nutrition problems among population.

5. Discuss the principles, objectives and importance of program planning and management.

6. Identify and discuss the steps in nutrition program planning and management.

7. Determine and apply the functions of management in nutrition program with emphasis on leadership qualities.

8. Discuss the Philippine Plan Action for Nutrition (PPAN) as an example of National Nutrition Program

9. Explain the salient provisions of laws/legislations relevant to public health nutrition.