The course centers on the fundamentals of nutrition science as they relate to human life and growth. It includes the study of nutrients — their nature, functions, interrelationships and utilization in the body, food sources, requirements and deficiencies. Laboratory experience includes use of dietary tools in the planning of nutritionally adequate, economical, safe, and aesthetically pleasing meals.

Prerequisites:    Basic Foods, Biochemistry

Number of Units:   5 units (3 hours lecture and 6 hours laboratory per week) 

Course Objectives:

I . Define and explain the common terms and basic concepts in Nutrition;

2.      Discuss and trace the development of Nutrition as a science;

3.      Identify and explain the uses and functions of the basic tools in Nutrition

4.      Explain energy metabolism and factors affecting energy requirements;

5.      Identify and relate the nutrients according to concentration and structure, essentiality, functions, food sources, symptoms of deficiency and excessive intake.

6.      Discuss and illustrate the functions of water in body metabolism;

7.      Explain and relate the nutrient interrelationships in terms of digestion, absorption and utilization of food,

8.      Appreciate the concepts and principles of human nutrition in sustaining optimal growth and development of individuals.