This course contains the principles in the preparation and cooking of different classes of food, their composition, structure and market forms. Emphasis is given on the principles underlying preparation and cooking in order to maintain quality, palatability, nutritive value and acceptability of meals with consideration on economic factors under strict compliance with food safety standards. Laboratory experience will include the preparation of basic recipes to apply the above principles.

Number of units: 3 (2 hours lecture & 3 hours laboratory per week)

Prerequisites:      None

Course objectives:


I . Identify the fundamental principles in the preparation of different types of foods including local and indigenous food materials.

2.      Explain the changes and interactions of foods and their components during preparation

3.      Identify basic physical and chemical principles affecting the behavior of food.

4.      Discuss common problems in food preparation and ways of preventing/ remedying these.

5.      Discuss minimum standards for the acceptability of foods and ways to achieve them.


1 . Apply the principles of food preparation.

2.      Follow a recipe.

3.      Develop proper and efficient technique in the preparation of specific foods.

4.      Present prepared foods properly.

5.      Evaluate foods according to acceptable standards.

6.      Handle and operate the tools, utensils and equipment used in food preparation.

7.      Manage time and resources in the preparation of foods.