The principles and methods of measuring and evaluating the nutritional status of individuals and populations groups both in clinical and public health setting are discussed in this course. Laboratory experience will focus on anthropometric and dietary methods of nutritional assessment

Number of Units: 3 units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory per week)

Prerequisite: Basic Nutrition

Course Objectives:


I . Define the relevant terms used in the assessment of nutritional status;

2.      Discuss the determinants of nutritional status of individuals and population groups;

3.      Describe the current nutritional status of Filipinos based on the results of the National Nutrition Survey;

4. Discuss the direct and indirect methods of assessing nutritional status in terms of: 

 -Essential Features

-Steps and procedures involved

-Reference Standards and Cut-off points

-Advantages and Disadvantages/limitations

5.      Correctly apply the different reference standards, tools and cut-off points used in nutritional assessment;

6.      Conduct actual nutrition assessment to demonstrate proper use of an anthropometric and dietary methods and interpretation of results;

7.      Select appropriate method and reference standards to assess the nutritional status of adolescents, elderly and pregnant women; and

8.      Formulate a nutritional assessment system appropriate in a clinical setting.


1. Use various tools and standards in assessing nutritional status;

2. Demonstrate correct procedures in conducting anthropometric and dietary methods;

3. Interpret hypothetically generated anthropometric, dietary, clinical and biochemical data; and

4. Analyze the nutrition implications of certain medications used in both clinical and community settings.