The Food Service Practicum is a supervised practical application of principles and theories in foods and foodservice management in foodservice establishment.

PrerequisitesThe Foodservice Practicum is to be taken during the last year of the BSND Curriculum upon the completion of all professional courses.

Number of Units: 6 units (300 hours)

Duration: 37 days; 8 hours/day and 4 hours

General Objective:

To provide the students with supervised practical experiences in foodservice operation with waiter and self-service in restaurants/hotel/ institutional cafeteria.

Behavioral Objectives:

I . Propose a plan of menus according to policies and budgetary requirements of the institution towards the achievement of total customer satisfaction;

2.     Identify and compare the different purchasing methods;

3.     Apply cost control measures in purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing to preparation and service of food;

4.     Prepare aesthetically acceptable food;

5.     Design a kitchen and dining room layout;

6.     Explain the relationship of functional organization chart in foodservice organization equipment, its care, operation and maintenance.

7.     Develop employees' work schedule;

8.     Apply sanitation and safety procedure including HACCP.

9.     Develop skills in budgeting and preparing profit and loss statement.

10.   Apply management skills in foodservice.

11.   Apply proper waste management and resources conservation.