The Community Nutrition Practicum is a supervised) practical application of principles and theories in food and nutrition in a community setting through organized community efforts.

Prerequisite: The Community Nutrition Practicum is to be taken during the fourth year whether in the first or second semester of the BSND Curriculum upon the completion of all professional courses.

Number of Units: 6 units (300 hours)

Duration:     37 days @ 8 hours/day

Course Objectives:

Students should gain knowledge; develop positive attitude and skills in applying theories into practical situations in managing community-based nutrition programs, projects and activities within the framework of the local nutrition and development plan.

Specific Objectives:

The student should be able to:

1.  Determine the nature and magnitude of malnutrition in the community;

2.  Explain causes and possible consequences of malnutrition in the community;

3.  Assist in actual planning;

4.  Organize and mobilize the community to participate actively in efforts for nutrition improvement; and

5.  Generate or mobilize human, material and financial resources from government and non-government organization for selected food and nutrition programs, projects and activities.


1. Students are required to stay in the community within the practicum period with one day off per week.

2. Submission of the student's pledge, consent of parents/guardians and student's waiver prior the practicum.

3. Secure group insurance.

4. Submission of team's framework and operational plan prior practicum.

5. Regular submission of weekly plan activities, weekly accomplishment reports and individual diary.

6, Regular attendance and participation in the mini-training, planning workshop and scheduled team activities. PHASES OF THE FIELD PRACTICUM