This course delves on key components of Integrated pest management; competencies relevant to the implementation of site-specific IPM strategies;research capabilities required for IPM implementors; working knowledge on organic inputs as a major component of IPM and analysis of IPM programs implemented.



Chapter 1. Key Components of IPM

1. Prevention

2. Monitoring

3. Intervention

    3.1 Control Methods

           3.1.1. Cultural Control

           3.1.2 Physical control

           3.1.3 Biological Control

           3.1.4 Chemical Control

Chapter 2. Role of Crop Protection Industry in IPM

1. Research and Development in IPM

2. Training in IPM

3. Resistance Management in IPM

 Chapter  III. Important Competencies Needed in IPM

1. Identifying Destructive and Beneficial Insects

2. When and How to Manage Pests

3. Comprehensive Knowledge and Responsible Use of Crop Protection Products

4. Proper Disposal and Waste Management of Crop Protection Products

 Chapter IV.  Organic Inputs in IPM

 Chapter  V. Reporting of Case Studies in IPM in the Philippines

 Chapter  V. Reporting of Case Studies in IPM in the Philippines

 Chapter VI. Research Gaps in IPM

 Chapter VII. Research Proposal Making for IPM Research