This course is intended to acquaint students in research with bas concepts, principles, methods and techniques that will enable them not only to understand the research process but also to do research studies on their own or in collaboration with others.

Financial Management is an essential part of the economic and non economic activities which leads to the decision on the efficient procurement and utilization of funds in a profitable manner. This course deals with important topics on financial management such as financial statement analysis, financial forecasting, and assessment of financial assets and time value of money. This will equip students with the necessary knowledge for them to now the basics of assessing the projects or investments which are in line with the companies' goals and objectives. Also, this would allow them to appreciate the importance of financial management in the corporate world.

This course provides fundamental concepts of individual and group behavior in organizations. It provides an understanding of how organizations can be managed more effectively and at the same time enhances the quality of employees work life.  Topics include motivations, rewarding employees, communication, leadership, individual and group behavior, organizational system, etc. This course aims to prepare students with a way of thinking that increases their ability to understand and implement decisions about people in an organizational context.

This course is designed to introduce the student to fundamental concepts in Agribusiness. It is an introductory course oriented towards imparting knowledge about agribusiness activities, concepts and tools related with agribusiness- agriculture, input supply, processing, distribution, marketing of agri-food products and other support services. It includes basic business principles governing profitable and sustainable farm and agribusiness operations. Particular emphasis is made on the functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling because it can provide a broad overview of the basic skills needed to be an effective manager of an agribusiness today and in the future. Basically, the course will give the students the overview of the different functional areas of any agribusiness firm namely human resource, production, marketing and finance. Finally, a significant portion of the course is devoted to farm management.