This course parallels the study of basic marketing and explores key marketing concepts in the context of today's digital/internet environment. Also, this is the venue for learning the basic rudiments or fundamentals behind E-Commerce and doing business online.

This course involved a study of consumer behavior as a tool for marketing decision. It describes the rationale for studying the consumer behavior outcomes and the consumer behavior process: the psychological core, the process of making decisions, and the post-decisions evaluation. Consumers culture, consumer behavior outcomes and issues concerning consumer welfare is also discussed.

This course will put selling on the professional basis - that takes into account the demands of changing times, advanced technologies, new products, and sophisticated buyers. Course topics include the selling process, the buying process, creating value in buyer-seller relationships, prospecting, sales call planning, communicating the message, negotiating for win-win solutions, closing the sale, as well as how to motivate, compensate and train sales people.

Marketers gather and analyze information in order to make better decisions. This course will introduce students to the activities, decisions, and strategies used by marketers in the information gathering and analysis tool. The course is structured to provide students with hands-on experience of all phases required in the design and execution of a marketing research project