Indoor air quality control; heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HVAC). Biological response to environmental stimuli; biological control systems; plant and animal production facilties. issues related to managing agricultural production in environmentally controlled conditions, systems and practices; structures and equipment, material handling, heating and cooling, lighting, ventilation, fertilizing and irrigation, environmental control; and integrated pest management

Precision Agriculture includes but not limited to the following topics: satellite navigation systems; map-based systems; real-time systems; yield mapping; soil and weed mapping; control of field operations, fertilization, pesticide application; information management, BUS systems in mobile systems; data management and GIS; and decision support systems.

Graduate students explores the effects of pollutants to water quality of rivers and lakes.  They will be introduced to basic modeling of dissolved oxygen and biochemical  oxygen demand, and nutrient dynamics. Best management practices (BMPs) and other intervention to the  control of nutrients and other pollutants are emphasized. Groundwater contamination and bioremediation shall also be explored